Coffeyville Children’s Summer Theatre 19th
Disney’s the Little Mermaid Jr.
Cast List
Thank you to all who
auditioned. We had close to 60 auditions and with our costume budget we could
not cast everyone who auditioned. We will have our first rehearsal THIS MONDAY
JULY 1 in the theatre at 1pm starting with a parents meeting at 1pm-1:20pm and
then we will keep everyone until 4pm. If you did not get measured for costumes
then we must measure you on Monday for you to have a costume for the show. If
you do not accept your role or wish not to be in the production, please Facebook
me or e-mail me at
ASAP. Please note casting may change slightly depending who decides not to
accept their role. As always we appreciate no phone calls and decisions are
final. Thank you for auditioning and I will see you all on Monday.
#Please note the entire cast sings on all chorus
ARIEL………………………………………………..MaKenna Walker
KING TITAN………………………………………..Wyatt Starnes
PRINCE ERIC………………………………………..Emmett Starnes
GRIMSBY…………………………………………….Sidney Hughes
SEBASTIAN………………………………………….Emmy Mote
FLOUNDER…………………………………………..Kylie Speer (Thursday/Saturday)
Peyton Pauzauskie(Friday/Sunday)
SCUTTLE……………………………………………….Nadia Blackert
URSULA…………………………………………………Lena Blackert
Lexi Brey (Friday/Sunday)
FLOTSAM………………………………………………Jenna Speer
TENTACLES…………………………………………….Chorus TBA
JETSAM……………………………………………………Atlantis Frank
CARLOTTA………………………………………………..Bella Vincen
CHEF LOUIS…………………… Abigail Balson (Thursday/Sunday)
Kirk (Friday/Saturday)
CHEFS……………………………..Brynlee Taylor, Rica Kirk, Abigail
PRINCESSES…………………….Madigan Phillips, Ravyn Hayward,
Lexi Brey, Lena Blackert
ALLANA……………………………………………..Tylar Dougan
ADELLA………………………………………………Lacie Starnes
AQUATA…………………………………………….Abigail Smith
ATINA………………………………………………..Emma Viets
ANDRINA……………………………………………Heide Blackert
ARISTA……………………………………………….Emma Farrell
PILOT…………………………………………………..Evan Sprague
SAILORS…………………….Grayson Brandenburg, Hayden Foster,
Trevor Jones, Evan Spraque
McKellips, Trinity Morris, Ashlynne Fontes, Elaina Coleman, Addie Mund,
Kierstyn Cowles, Hanna Samples, Brooke Sykes, Grace Wawrzyonaik, Emma Gossard,
Ashleigh Cowles, Kylie Speer, Peyton Pauzauskie, Ashleigh Cowles, Hailey Foster,
Allee Erne, Zailene Alobaidi, Isabella Smith, Jessie Elms
SEAHORSE…………………………………………………………Madeline Murdock