Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Theatre Camp 2013

Theatre Camp Rules


1.       No food, drink, or gum in the theatre.  Bottled water is fine and you can bring a snack. (fruit/crackers/PBJ/etc….)  We will have a break at Theatre camp 2:30-2:45 each day. Please no food near the theatre seats-please eat all food ON STAGE.  Please make the snack small (crackers, fruit, etc) and fairly “clean”.  IF your child has food allergies or have a medical condition that they need more access to snacks please let us know so that appropriate measures can be taken. Please bring snacks and do not use the college vending machines as there is not enough time to get the children to them and back in time during break.

2.      Listen to the Director and not your friends while performing.

3.      Worry about your own part, NOT someone else’s.

4.      Write down all blocking. (*We will write the blocking down for the young children)

5.      NO fighting, arguing, or name-calling.  It is hard to put on a good show when you do not get along.

6.      There are no small parts in theatre, just big egos- stay grounded.

7.      Bad behavior will result in dismissal from the production and Theatre Camp with no refund.

8.      Bring your script and pencil to rehearsal every day.  Do not lose your script or you will have to buy your next copy. (NO HAND HELD VIDEO GAMES OR BEING ON CELL PHONE !)

9.      No roughhousing or running in the theatre. Please sit in the theatre seat the correct way.

10.  Do not jump off of the stage or touch the curtains, set, or other people’s things

11.  Were comfortable shoes that do not fall off of your feet.  NO flip flops.  We prefer tennis shoes, dance shoes, or sandals that strap to your feet.  You will be moving, dancing, singing, on stage so dress comfortably


13.  Please provide us with two sponsors for our program-It helps pay to run this summer program financially. (DOES NOT APPLY TO THEATRE CAMP)

14.  Head lice found on any child must get clearance from a doctor before they can return to rehearsals.



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