Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Great rehearsal today everyone!  Please go over the songs Laura taught you today:

Arabian Nights
A Whole New World
One Jump
Friend Like Me

Remember our notes today:
-Please do not talk after we finish working on a song
-Do not talk when Mark or Laura are talking
-Do not sing other cast members songs
-Do not dance in chair and be distracting to others

Some of you still need to bring a pencil/pen and notepad to rehearsal
Some of you still need to bring a snack
Forms are due on THIS Friday

If you are an animal in the show (Monkey-tiger-parrot) Need twenty characteristics by Friday of that animal
-Cast-Define words in the script you do not know and define the location of the show
-Character walk/Vocal and personality from townspeople, guards, principles, princes,Jasmine, Genie,
   Jafar, etc......
CAST-Do research-Watch animated movie and Broadway musical off YouTube/other productions
CAST-Read your script/learn lines/Go over your music on Dropbox

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