-Please knock on dressing room doors before you enter
-Hannah/Atlantis/Joey/Stella and anyone else. Can we stop with the pretend parenting game backstage with mothers and fathers-Its causing problems backstage with people calling people Mommy and Daddy and also focus problems during my notes.
-Stella-Please stay out of the make-up room tomorrow
-Ben-Was Emma's hand held up on Showtime?
-Ben-The music levels in Wild and Free were being adjusted during the number????
-Hannah/Brailyn-have an acting moment before you go into a song-it looks like the actor is waiting for the music
-Hannah-Atlantis-Brailyn-Joey-Did you do a speed thru of all your scenes before the show like I asked? :(
-Mallory-see me about Kaleb shooting you
-Megan GREAT Hit with purse wit Alex-now step on his tail!!!!
-Brittain-Excellent placement on cannon-few more inches in.....
-Joey-when your in your crate-can't hear "giraffe giraffe" or even know your sleeping
-Joey-still hard to understand you at times do to your voice-try to over enunciate
-Joey-You have a line-Nothing worse than something in a crate-can't understand that line
-Hunter-missing line, "And we are out" with Candy Hammernose scene-
-Penguins-Missing line-to the ice!
-Joshua-Don't make faces behind Candy-you didn't do that in rehearsal
-Noah-late on scream in tunnel-very important as that is the cue for Lemurs to enter
-Nice ad lib Zoosters waiting for Hannah to come off the top platform
-Aniya-don't spell out lemur-we talked about no changes before the show-just say lemurs
-Ben-Kadans mic was off on You probably wont survive!
-Zoosters please review your lines everyday-still some slow cue pick ups but better tonight
-Can end music after curtain call be louder
-Londyn-watch diction!!!
-Lillian-Play more Downstage on Living in Paradise as Marty Steak
-Cast-Keep smiling during EVERY NUMBER especially Steak!
-Joshua-BETTER on STEAK-congrats!!!!
I read your notes on the blogspot and you covered most of my notes already in your notes, but there are few additional ones below:
Ben - don't change the levels in "Wild and Free"
I would like to run/review "Wild and Free" during warm-ups tomorrow before the show.
Harmony was much better in "Steak" and "Together Forever" - yay!!
Atlantis - you were much sassier tonight - good job!
Ben- playoff fade outs are much better - good job keeping the music playing after the bows, but it should be louder.
I read your notes on the blogspot and you covered most of my notes already in your notes, but there are few additional ones below:
Ben - don't change the levels in "Wild and Free"
I would like to run/review "Wild and Free" during warm-ups tomorrow before the show.
Harmony was much better in "Steak" and "Together Forever" - yay!!
Atlantis - you were much sassier tonight - good job!
Ben- playoff fade outs are much better - good job keeping the music playing after the bows, but it should be louder.
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