Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Friday Night Notes

Parents Tomorrow's call is at noon. The show will be over at 3:15pm. You will have from 3:15-5pm to eat dinner and call for Saturday night is 5pm. Your child might want go leave their make-up on between shows. Please promote the show on social media as we have plenty of tickets left for Saturday and Sunday!!!!


Jaxen-Move downstage during Hyena ROAR
Hyena-Run scene before we start after Kill Him~!
Hyena-Run scene in 13 before Scars final exit
Christian-Careful with your diction
Christian (Last line to Simba-Scene 13 RUSHED
Scene 13-GREAT JOB!!!
Mourning lights went up to early-music started too early
Nala-Great job-keep going!!!

Grade: B+/A-

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