Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017



Parents-We may ask you to French braid you child's hair (Female) for Monday next week along with wearing street make-up instead of a bun.

Make-Up will begin Monday
Colleen will do
Rifiki/Lionesses/Nala/Sarabi/Sarafina/Young Simba/Older Simba

Kat/Kaylee/Leslie-Animals and everyone else

-No running or sliding backstage in Jazz Shoes
-Stay out of exits
-Quiet backstage
-Don't mess with other peoples costumes and hats
-Birds don't run around backstage or slide around on floor
-fix placement-They live in you and Just can't wait to be king-too far right of stage
-Cast don't stand on wall or track by walls
-CAST-Don't look up at booth if they make a mistake or mic not on
-CAST-It must be quiet in staging area.
-Need wall movers

NOTE TO CAST: We love you all but some of you that are running around backstage and being loud in the staging area does not do favors for you for next years casting if you do not listen when being told to stop. Everyday is an audition so please behave yourself backstage. Thank you.


Scene 1 Circle of Life-
-Cast Make sure you sing out on Circle of Life and Smile!!!
-Rifiki-Brailyn-good job-more stick movement on opening of solo-You could still do more-Try to keep focus onstage-Try not to look at me when performing-You know I think you are GREAT!!
Cast-Exit off in character
Cast-You all must sing in this number!!!!
-Cast Don't exit where Hyenas come out to set rock Stage right

Scene 2 Scar's Cave
-Hyenas-Good job setting rock
-Brynlee-Mouse bit GREAT-SPEED IT UP-SEE ME!
-Devin-Work with puppet on you dialogue-It needs to speak when you speak and hold it up close you your face so it talks for you-SEE ME
-Brynlee-Can't see you letting mouse go behind flat-Work with me

Scene 3
-Cast don't enter where Lionesses enter
Cast-come in with character
Jaxen-But I thought a KIng.......Diction with this line-Hard to understand you
-Cast-better exit on Grassland chant

Scene 4 Scars Cave
-Walls not closed
-Hyenas-Rocks late going off
-Shiloh-Rocks need touch up?

Scene 5
The Lioness Hunt/Can't Wait to Be King
Lionessses-Watch your lines
Gazelles-need to have Mya in front Gazelles
-Lionesses need to move forward from backdrop-so people downstage need to move farther downstage
Atlantis/Londyn-Work placement in this scene before show
Jaxen-Work cross away from Abigail on Waterhole-SEE ME work
Jaxen/Abigail-Play more stage left during waterhole scene
Jaxen move downstage on solo-You keep forgetting
Lionesses-Sarabi/Sarafina-SPREAD out your blocking each other-WORK BEFORE SHOW-STILL
Abigail/Jaxen can you dance or move during Jaxens solo-Can't wait to be King????????
Cast-Smile on Can't wait to be King
Jaxen/Abigail-You must hide and seek with Zazu for entire song-Don't drop it-Still dropping it at times-ACTIVE
Zazu-Stay frantic trying to find them in this number!!!

Scene 6 Elephant Grave Yard
-Jaxen and Abigail-walk around after you tackle Jaxen to TRAVEl to elephant graveyard
Jaxen build up Roar to Hyenas-BETTER JAXEN!!

Scene 7
-Be Prepared Christian Forgot MEAT........again (Set your props)
-Brynlee-See me about fork
-Jaxen-be sad On I'm sorry Dad and throughout scene
-Christian-Stay focused-Don't laugh breaking character
-Zazu-Blocking self behind Mufasa on entrance
-Movement Ethan-They live in you-SEE ME

Scene 8
-Christian-missed entrance in scene :(
-Jaxen-Lay on White tape/Sit on White tape
Jaxen-Don't turn upstage to talk to Scar-Page 60 Still doing it
CAST-After Stampede-Don't talk going offstage

Scene 9
-Mallory-Food Chain-See ME-All cry BIT
Mallory-Pumbaa-Jaxen lines page 73
-Mallory-See me on parent bit
-Jaxen-Can't understand lines before you eat grub-DICTION
-Dylan-Mallory-Pumbaa-See me about arms around each other in song

Scene 10 Scars Cave
-Rocks late Stage RIGHT-Terralyn-Jacob
-Lay on rocks more Christian
-Devin/Christian-Its a Small world-Work

Scene 11
-LIONESSES-Shadowlands-Sing LOUDER!!
-Kate have purpose coming out singing Shadowlands
-Kate better acting with song :)
-Kate Work Dylan push down/Scar scratch tomorrow

Scene 12
Dylan/Mallory-Lie on white line
Can you feel the love-Birds missing
He lives in You-Jaxen missing!????????????????????????
-He lives in you-Arms too fast-BIRDS-Peyton
-Dylan see me for moment after Can you feel the love tonight-Song ending holding paws
-Rifiki-Dylan-Work stick to head with me
-Brailyn-Missing Dance page 115-SEE ZOEY!!!!!
-Brailyn-Don't exit after Can you feel the love-You dance and then you move upstage

Scene 13
Jacob blocking self in last scene Hyenas
Atlantis flinch with Scar-Work
Brynlee FACE OUT and thumbs down-Bad KITTY
CAST-Smile on last song-BIG!!!!!!

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