Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

                                       CALL BACKS FOR DISNEY ALADDIN JR.
                                             Tulsa Children's Summer Theatre

If you are not called back tomorrow it does NOT mean you are NOT cast in the show it just means we do not need to see you again. The cast list will be posted on this site tomorrow night. If you ARE called back please come to 6103 where we held auditions at 2pm. At 1pm-2pm we will audition NEW auditioners,

                                                                    CALLED BACK
Madison Maier
Katherine Johnson
Nadia Storie
Peyton Blaylock
Cara Becker
Megan Sumpter
Hannah Cowan
Mya Safany
Christopher Hrncir
Anna Hrncir
Elizabeth Sheer
Clara Dixon
Emma Kane
Marshall Kane
Amelia Deyoe
Josie Turner
Aimey Schmidt
Trey Mclure
Jack McClure
Layla Barnett
Jaxen Smith
Brynlee Smith
Staton Schonier
Kynley Williams
Dylan Harmon
Devin Harmon
Fay Shuai
Mitchell Netherton
Bethany Suszcynski
Alana Daniel
Peyton Richardt
Hayley Richardt
Brailyn Goodnight
Carrington Woolridge
Makenzie Wooldridge
Sean Shuai
Lillian Jones
Summer Fish
Claudia Brown
Caroline Price
Shelby Rader
Abel Huskinson
Aaron McClure
Christian Davis
Anna Palmer
Rachel Osbourne
Lauren Kane
Mallory Berry
Peyton Barnard
Emily Tucker
Hannah Steward
Abigail Heffernay
Dirk Diskey
Jonah Campbell
Amara Guss

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