Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Parents and actors please go over notes

Sailors learn how to use the mic
Grayson SING just watching show
Sydney play up getting sick more
Chorus louder first song
Solo is off in first song need help
Unlock wheels of ship
Set change needs to be much faster. Everyone pitch in dont just stand and watch
Work set change of ship to tritons palace
Announce King triton first and then Sebastian second nice ad lib Wyatt
Started at one o clock
May she rest in peace all ,must bow heads. Triton much more sad
Mersisters come down stage when singing first song and everyone else dance in the back or sway..bob heads anything
Lexi too early on Mersisters song
Volume and diction during Mersisters song. Can't understand everything
Makenna don't forget prop and don't forget to take glasses off
Stay turned out eceryone ESP Makenna 
Hold up dingle hopper so everyone can see it
Come out earlier with blue fabric abby and rica need to go over it
Hailey flap much bigger like the other birds 
Nadia fix line in dinglehopper song. Messed a line up toward end
Lines down Kylie pg 20
Soon as song Is over say your lines 
Ursula's lair out whenever they're talking..was too late
Tentacles react. Can't just watch the show. Be scared of Ursula
Lena fix line on pg 21
Emmy keep moving  arms don't keep them stuck by your sides
Triton flounder Sebastian and Ariel in front of tape not behind
Turn out!!!! Kylie and Makenna is guilty of not turning out all the time
Ariel sobbing when you leave you're upset. Your father is mad at you
Sebastion line problems
More reaction from everyone in the court
And YOU will be just the crab to do it. 
pg 24 line was missed triton
Big kids move set not the smallest ones
When we do the show cannot stand in wings BC audience will see u
Stop looking thru bag on People, otherwise u will be late Ariel
Be out looking center more du.ring your songs. Focus on one thing more instead of looking around Ariel
Don't stretch neck out Ariel when singing
Flotsam jetsam wait for audience to stop clapping after part of your world before u start lines
Sebastian Ariel flounder react to flotsam jetsam when you pass them when walking on
S MILE during under the sea happy song
Ship come on at end of song
Ship placement is spiked on stage was placed way off
Water people need out on stAge at the beg of scene with the ship
Ariel top of pg 40 line flubbed
Pg 40 1.30
Sydney move mast back and forth 
Abby rica pull fabric down sooner so Ariel can get down to Eric
Ariel don't have to move arms soon much when swimming up to see Eric
Grayson stay on boat
Grayson don't worry about ship the big kids will take care of it
Ariel smile when you're happy 
Dialog start right away walk on talking. Was off In the she's in love song
Emma Farrell speak out
Move downstage Kylie during song
Turn down Kylie's mic
Everything dooooown staaaage
Grodo fish people LAte
Ariel sobbing when triton blasts human stuff
Spin off sea creatures when exit instead of run off
Ariel look thru script and see where it says you're sobbing and play it up
Lena should be sitting in chair when they turn it around to her lair
Jenna jump on line as soon they say Sebastian. Don't wait for song to be over
Look at pg 58 Ariel and flotsam jetsam
1.43 pg 60
Lena look over your song
Kylie and Peyton need black pants white shirt
Eels downstage for solos
Add notes from script Mark
Lena early onspell
Ariel open up voice more on the Sarah's
Need water ppl center for Ariel's transformation need to work that
Sebastian wait for music at the end to come in
Ariel turn body forward and play everything out
Peyton and rica dance like brynlee during less poisons
Rica move arms
Fish tar tar much louder
Tuna melt much louder
Abby a little pitchy at the beginning
Ariel missing dinglehopper
Walk all the way across when looking for Sebastian chef
Fix table cloth
Ariel forgot pipe
Carlotta say ALL lines like when you and Kerri worked on it-better on Ur last lines though 
Emmett off pitch work song or speak sing
During dance need change from palace to lagoon
Can't stand in wings must be backstage
Enter lagoon sea creatures much faster
Other water ppl need to be behind boat 
Pg 80 1 hr
Fix sail
Everyone sway during song watch Ashlynn and Madeline
Emmett don't forgot to paddle at beg of song
Work boat off to chairs on older kids help out
Sydney slow down lines during music
Sydney come onstage w hand held that Sebastian uses
Work princesses song
Just one fight between Sydney and Ariel
Lexi shouldn't say Lena's Ursula's line
Lena a tiny bit too fast on song
Don't need to bring entire ship onstage
Where's sea shell Lena
Every night work92 to the end of show
Work Lena's exit off.
Emmett let others deals ship cuz u need to be on stage
Both fabrics out on Ariel's transformation 
Ariel come out on beat
Work waves
Downstage of Emmett.both were profiling
Ariel and Eric closer together when she sings at end
Sydney mark has bit for u at end of show
Chorus come in on part of Ur world finale 
2.12 at end 
Madigan bring telescope

2nd run
2.29 start
Hold mic down farther Evan
Seahorse forgot to announce king triton 
Move it before Ur name comes up Mersisters to get to mic
Lacey pull back from fighting its taking away from song
Right back to positions real quick when Ariel isn't there
Nadia watch profiling when on rock calling out to Ariel
Sing out with Ur solos don't profile Peyton during human stuff song 
Ariel and flounder messed up solos during human stuff
Why is Ursula moving her own lair????
Jenna diction 
22 lines were skipped and flubbed
Careful with trident 
Peyton blocking Ariel and back was turned to audience
Ariel CRY when u leave
YOUR the crab to do it
Chair and set off during Sebastian's monologue
Emma hold up material as high as Lacie does
If u guys don't care about doing the water then we can switch ppl. Sme of you have a look on your face like you're dreading it
Abbi and Madigan go up to mic on solos
Where's Makenna 
Makenna focus backstage don't talk 
Peyton on love hit pitch
Pg 56 3.04 
Makenna don't hesitate don't block scene feel the scene. You're too much in your head
Madigan and Heide way to go moving set pieces
Pick up cues Jenna
Pace is not just picante sauce
Ursula's still make new choices we feel like both of you started so strong and the more we run the show its less and less. 
Don't forget the body language move Lexi. Use your hips and knock her out of the way
Batteries for hand held mics
Ariel tries too hard on aaas s when there's no mic
Work water during transformation of Ariel
Rica farther up stage with water
Everyone if there's an underlined word in your script you must emphasize the word
Need to assign someone to set up chef table for them and set aside Ursula's potions
Work on les poisons song
Bella needs mic
Much better this time Carlotta
Emmett needs dress shoes
No tennis shoes for sailors need diff shoes maybe boots?
Older kids can't just stand around like Lacie and Emma need to be more active and help move set pieces
Diction in kiss the girl
Chorus doesn't all know the words to kiss the girl 
Grime by need to be on beat when speaking
Go to mic when singing solo princesses
Dance good at first then mess up
Pg 92 3.30
Ursula's are losing their evil a bit
Lexi was early on song
Don't pull ship all the way out
Where's shell Ursula and Ariel
Too forceful with the aaahs Ariel 
Ariel must move around when in the whirl pool w Ursula
Emmett get on sooner for Ariel's transformation 
Syd Emmett stop profiling page 102
3.39 end
Jenna needs to grab shell
Tentacles need stop their sea snake 
Jenna switch-diction mic
Work whirl pool
Full spin Ursula on whirl pool

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