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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sponsor Ads

SPONSOR ADS ARE DUE TOMORROW-NO EXCEPTIONS! as we have to put the program together.
Everyone is called tomorrow for rehearsal
Just a few notes about camera ready. If you are creating something save it as a .jpg, .pdf or .tif file and make sure it is 300 dpi. It helps if you save it to the size it should be in the program as well. If you are bringing something in for us to scan remember we will lose some clarity when scanning and even more when we enlarge the pictures. If you bring us a 1" by 2" photo and want it made into a half page ad, expect it to be grainy! We are happy to answer your questions to make sure that your ads look the way you expect them to! Best of luck to the cast of the Little Mermaid! I know you will do great!

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