Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Acting Notes for Friday Tech Rehearsal

Call for actors 6pm Monday-Please do not come any earlier. (NO DAY REHEARSAL) We will dismiss at 9pm. Foosa's need to bring black pants and black shirt and come in their street clothes. Penguins need long sleeve black shirt. Lionesses need leotard and tights (Beige or nude)


Brailyn/Alex-Great job! You really are doing great. The biggest thing to work on is lines on page 85 with Hanna. Also work on transitions when Hannah sings Best Friend reprise. You are fighting your savage instinct with your feelings for your BEST Friend Marty. We need to see the struggle on your face more and when you come out of the tunnel we need to believe Alex is SAVAGE and is going to attack Marty but then he pulls him downstage and says lets get cracka lackin on these.... (Need to say that louder/Slower and more downstage with Marty.

The other spot you need to work on is when you have to exit off at end of Paradise-Again need to see the struggle and strong choice to leave so you don't hurt your friend-Marty

I need to work on when you bite Marty before we start Monday-That is not working and you pulled away to soon from Marty's arm,

Any song you sing-make sure you look out towards the audience and don't sing profile-

Always look ONLY at Lillian when she as onstage as Marty-Steak.

Great poses during showtime-please add the hand up and down smile-no smile-famous from movie!

Cough on beach before you say your line-top of scene

Don't forget COMIC takes to the audience when you FIRST SEE LILLIA?STEAK as Marty-Play looks to audience of HUH???!!!!!

Brailyn-looked at me 27 times during the show-You owe me 27 cents-You are doing a WONDEFUL job-try to keep your focus onstage

Sniff Lillian MORE on cross Brailyn past her.

Hannah/Marty-Hannah-look over all your lines. Can't call for line Monday. Keep your energy up-Sometimes you drop it and it needs to match Brailyn's. When Alex goes savage you are Never afraid and you need to be-especially in the scene with Alex and the Foosa's-you don't know what Alex is going to do but you use the tactics to help her snap out of it. I need that emotion of fear with Marty.
Also when you sing we need your face out to audience-You profile a lot when singing with Brailyn.

-I got me a train to catch-More Urgency and excitement-!!!!

Joey/Melman-Joey-even though you are going to have a mic-you must be louder and sing and talk out towards the audience. You profile yourself a lot and that hurts you. Play your punctuation and don't rush your lines. Play the punctuation and the hypochondriac-you could GO MUCH MUCH bigger with Melman-He is a comic character-Try to go bigger with delivery and movement and if its too much I will pull you back but I doubt I will. Stay focused at all times on stage no matter what happens-STAY IN CHARACTER!!! MORE MELMAN-Less Joey. Be scared on Alex when he goes savage

-Those trees don't look real. They look like a......projection. (ADD) SEE ME
-Don't block Alex after Hannah comes down from platform on Cowabunga Dudes! You are standing in front of her.

Atlantis/Gloria-Don't monitor your solo-Just sing and let Laura tell you how you did. MORE SASS MORE SASS MORE SASS-Come out of your box and go BIGGER with her lines and movement. If its too big Laura will let you know. Too much Atlantis onstage-Not enough Gloria.

Kaden/Skipper-Always be in character onstage-Don't state your mistakes onstage. Keep your volume up and always say your lines straight out and not upstage. Play your comic turn outs to the audience. (Date with Danger/Ate his Liver) Check your props and set them-Never forget your props but if you do just go on and pretend you have it-don't comment onstage with it. Go over all your lines-they are rough-know them like the back of your hand.

Peyton/Private-You need to be much louder as you will not have a mic-See me Monday about your flag bit. You need to always enter and exit with your penguin walk. Stay in character at all times.

-Keep Smiling a waving in showtime on Smile and wave boys-do it longer

Brynlee/Kowalski-After you break the chains give them to Mya so you can get downstage so Kaden doesn't have to wait for his line. Walk like a penguin even in blackout. Work with the other penguins putting chains in tunnel-Can you do that for me? Lets find your other map Monday. See me for Captain Wheel on Monday.

-We are in a cage Skipper-Stand on line.

Mya/Rico-Great job-Work with Brynlee getting he chains in the tunnel quicker. Good job putting Sushi on Platform.

Kendall/Lioness-Stay focused on stage-sometimes you drift off-and you wander with your face. Everything is REACTION from what your King-Marty does. Say your lines with more energy.

Tarlyn/Lioness-Bigger reactions to Alex on everything. Say your lines with more energy.

Avery/Mason-Say your lines louder with clarity with your accent. Don't throw away your monkey movement-even though you are sophisticated you still need monkey movements-not Avery movements

Mallory/Phil-Great job picking up Kadens pencil!!!! Great movement on exit with Avery-More monkey sounds on your exit after the cake. Great physical as monkey!!

Kimberlee/Zookeeper/Cop/Lioness-Go offstage before the strobe is on. Be on sooner for your Zookeeper line-you are cutting it close.

Emma/Zookeeper-Try to stay off your phone during rehearsal-Put it away Monday night. Don't laugh at your mistakes onstage. More facial expressions from you in all the numbers you are in.

Brittain/Zookeeper/Animal Control-Remember you will have the confetti cannon Monday so see me or Aaron about it. Look over your line in Showtime-Sometimes you are a few beats late with it. Great expression!

Lillian/Candy/Steak-You are doing such a great job with all your roles-Keep going BIGGER with both-More energy with Candy and Bigger with your Marty steak-Great work!!! Keep growing Lillian!!!

-This just in......Ear bit -see me!

Josiah/Captain/Steak-Thanks for taking Brailyns hat and cane off-Don't put her hat on over yours on exit. Great Captain. Great expression!

Londyn/Juilen-Great job but I feel you could be bigger with Julian-Have fun-Ad lib a little-You have him in a box right now and let him out-Believe me-you are doing a super job with him but have MORE FUN! Watch diction-slow down on dialogue at times as your energy takes over and then its hard to understand you.

Sadie/Maurice-Volume! Must speak louder-Don't forget King Juilen staff. Great job saying those lines you were missing. Funning ad libs when you go to the audience!!!!

Noah/Mort-Noah you are missing your NOOOOOOOOO!!! lines when the Foosa's have you downstage. Great job today with your WAAAAAAAAA. and great job being on the platform with the other Lemurs. Don't turn your back to the audience when Londyn (Julien) is speaking to listen to her-stay out facing the audience.

Joshia/Steak-Make sure you are not dancing backstage. Remember to bring your phone on in the subway scene.

Kaleb/Steak-Make sure you focus onstage at all times-sometimes you don't sing and talk to Aniya in together forever. Always stay focused on stage and behave backstage. Be more tempting to Alex as a steak with Jaxen and Lillian.

Jaxen/Lemur-Can you smile on your Lemur solo and have more energy with it. Be more tempting to Alex as a steak.

Zoe/Lemur-Great energy. Stay in character onstage at all times-NO ZOE-ONLY LEMUR! Great expressions in the show and smiles and energy-BEST IN THE CAST!

Adalie/Lemur-Great Energy-Stay in character at all times-NO ADALIE-ONLY LEMUR! GREAT SMILING!!!!

Addison/Lemur-Need to smile more in all your songs. Bee bop dance in Paradise.

Stella/Lemur-Make sure your singing and dancing in all songs and smile REALLY big in all songs!!!

Aniya/Lemur-Great job with your line downstage about Maurice-Be loud!!!

Reagan/Foosa-Louder with your growls and snarls. Keep your Foosa's quiet-Great job with Noah-Turn him around to face you on the pick up.

Karissa/Foosa-Good growl! Look mean on your face as the Foosa.-Go BIGGER


Emma/Foosa-Good growls as Foosa-but louder-MORE Go BIGGER

Mali/Foosa-I can't hear your growl-Growl louder as Foosa

Lila/Steak-Go over Steak dance with Corbyn-Smile more in number

Corbyn/Steak-Bigger smile in Steak!

Megan/Old Lady-Need to connect with Brailyn on Purse hit-SEE ME to work again. Look meaner when you band with the Foosa-You can play the OLD LADY MUCH MUCH bigger. LOUDER/MORE ENERGY.



  • Don't peak through curtains 
  • stay offstage during a scene you are not in and stay backstage
  • Don't pull on the curtains
  • Don't touch the props backstage
  • Don't crown exit and entry ways
  • Stay in your assigned seat Monday until you are getting ready to go on
  • No dancing backstage during numbers-only singing
  • Your claps are off IN THE WILD
  • Josia/Londyn-Come into center more for SHOWTIME
  • Smiles BIGGER in songs you smile in-some of you don't smile 

-Confetti Cannon-Brittain/Animal Control
-Net-Kaleb/Animal Control
-Ships Wheel-Captain
-Seaweed on a stick-Sadie
-Directional Flags-PRIVATE

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