Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Dear Parents-We gave a cast member a Adult Medium shirt when they should of gotten a Youth Medium-can you PLEASE check your child shirt size and bring it back to exchange.

Parents-We do not need help backstage this year. Make-up and hair instructions will be given at rehearsal tomorrow. Please NO parents backstage BEFORE OR AFTER the show. Thank you.

Please call 918-595-7777 for tickets or go to www.myticketoffice.com
There are no comp tickets due to this being a fundraiser for music and theatre scholarships for TCC college students.

Parents are invited to the Tuesday night Tech to take photos. Start time will be hopefully 7pm.


Monday and Tuesday July 27th and July 28th call is at 5:30pm-9:30pm (We need everyone on time)
(We no longer meet during the day)

Wednesday night is OPENING NIGHT JULY 29th Call will be 5:00pm for a 7pm curtain
Thursday (July 30th) 5pm call 7pm curtain
Friday (July 31) 5pm call 7pm curtain
Saturday (AUGUST 1) noon call for 2pm curtain & 5pm call for 7pm curtain (2 SHOWS)
Sunday (AUGUST 2)noon call for 2pm curtain & 5pm call for 7pm curtain (2 SHOWS)

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