Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Saturday, July 18, 2015


Narrators-I don't think individual characters are working. I think you all need to smile more and be in "happy" storytellers that like each other
-Lauren-your character seems more like the actress is scared than the character
-Macy/Caroline/Shelby-You three need to smile more and watch your physical
-Have good enunciation and diction when doing your lines-your storytellers
-Macy-don't slouch
-You all need to have the great energy and smiling that Meagan has in the show
-During your song in the cave-you need to set up the treasure-We will work this Monday

You must get even louder-You have grown by leaps and bounds but still swallow some line and some lines trail off and get quieter
-You look down at the ground during WHY ME
-You must go bigger with your character-especially at the end when you get the lamp-You must be MAD with power-Those lines have "!!!!!!!" at the end of them so that is your characters peak!!!
-Don't loo at me or Laura when you perform

Your still looking at me when you perform-keep your focus out
-I know you may not like Jafar but he can make you rich beyond your wildest belief-I think your more annoyed with him. You must be a team with him and you don't like anyone else.  I would change some of your hatred towards Jafar-Only mock him when he steals your ideas or doesn't give you credit. Establish how you feel about others on the stage more than focusing purely on how much you hate Jafar-It limits your performance
-No script onstage-get your lines down

Don't look at me while performing-Keep your focus onstage
I don't see a difference between Aladdin's Genie and Jafar's. You must make Jafar's  Genie Dark-Mean-Powerful!!!
Smile more in Friend Like Me-Get outta your head and have fun. I'm going to add the carpet on the platform during that song to help you have fun!
Have a better physical as Jafars Genie-Arms crossed and blow yourself up-Different vocal-BIG BOOMING scary voice
-We need more from you-More fun-More Energy-BE BIG! Too much in your head
-Don't speak until music play out on extra music
-Be a magician!!

More monkey noises
-Don't look at me when performing-keep focus onstage
-Don't smile when Abu is angry
-Don't do too much where you steal focus of the scene
-During cave scene-I'm going to get you a bag to steal all the treasure
-Only dance with Raja a few times at end
-Don't smile when Raja hisses at you in market place
-Exactly needs to be bigger on mocking
-You fall out of monkey physical-not consistant

-Don't look at me when performing
-Don't move during market scene with Jasmine. If you move by Jasmines feet she may trip on you
-Stay out so audience can see you
-Don't do too much where you steal focus of the scene(s) your in

Don't look at me when performing-Keep focus onstage
-Keep your body 3/4 out-no profiling
-When you say "why would someone steal a loaf of bread?" your body position is weird almost like your ready to sing a solo-relax and focus more on Aladdin than facing straight out
-Be more natural with your body-you come off stiff onstage-maybe your dress will help.
-More reaction to the Princes being presented to you
-More reaction on Sultan wanting to marry you
-More reaction to Prince Ali? Does he look familiar
-More reaction to flying carpet before A whole new world
-All your reactions need to be played BIGGER
-Much more reaction on Prince Ali procession-Who is this guy?????
-More reaction on carpet traveling to far off places-Wonderment!!! You really need to up all your reactions
-Don't be late onstage page 51

-You need to focus more-know where your suppose to be
-Facial expressions BIG TIME
-Hannah-Jump on your lines quicker as Guard 1
-You need to march on/march off-your entrances and exits are week
-Elizabeth/Devin-more facial expression
-Don't look at me while you perform (Brynlee) keep focus onstage
-three laughs are off in the cave-WORK MONDAY

Facial expression
Go over your lines
Go over your blocking since you missed Friday
You cannot afford to miss anymore rehearsal-either can Anna

-I want to add you to the cave scene
-I want to add you on top of platform Friend like me
-More expression in A whole new World
-Don't look at me-while performing -Keep focus onstage

General Notes
-Procession for Prince Ali will now come from Alley 1
-All characters in show need to be BIGGER
-Don't talk offstage while show is going on
-Don't stop show if music is wrong or comment if you make mistake-STAY IN CHARACTER AT ALL TIMES
-Don't break props
-Chorus SMILE-especially ZOE
-Puzzle chorus-Randy will block this Monday
-Smile chorus during Friend like Me
-ACTION=REACTION CAST-React with everything
-Don't look at me or Laura during show for approval-Keep focus onstage!!!
-Chorus-Be scared on Jafars Genie and Jafar when he wants absolute POWER!!!

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