Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Parents are invited to Tuesday Tech at 7pm-Please do not come until 7pm. Please do not direct and please remember we are still in technical rehearsal
Alana and Mya-PLEASE bring your t-shirts back so I can give you your correct shirts and give Zoe her shirt
Bethanie/Micah/Leslie-Can I have you three backstage tomorrow???

Monday Tech Notes
Cast-Don’t come out and ask Laura and I questions right before places

Cast-Stay clear of exits behind curtains

Cast-Stay off back palace steps

Cast-No one should be visiting Ethan before he goes on under the stairs

Macy-PLEASE smile when you first enter as Narrator and continue to smile-We have given you this note many times-You look upset or mad during the show and it really is inconsistent with what the other four Narrators are doing

Work-Getting camels off before show

Emma Kane-You are wandering during the show and your back is to the audience, Don’t move when everyone is still-switch places with Summer in the Marketplace

Caroline-You need to project louder

Macy-You need to project louder

Macy-When you get to rehearsal tomorrow night please come see Laura and I

Work Princes and attendants entrance tomorrow night

Trey-Move down with attendant’s stage left as other Princes enter

Trey work your Prince entrance

Jack-You need to be more confident with your Prince

Christian-You still need to spin and do things as your prince

Guards-Double collision-Go over all collisions

Guards-Your laughs are terrible-WORK tomorrow night

Dylan-Louder on line before JUMP!!!!!

Peyton-You are moving too much as the tiger. When you get on stage just sit or go to sleep or clean yourself-Don’t say the lines of the other actors or move too much

Kynley-Lost monkey sounds and most of the bits I gave you-SEE ME before show to go over them or with Micah-missed Exactly/hiss/falling down laughing/trumpet/picking bugs from Jasmin’s hair/monkey noises

Macy-Again you look mad as the Narrator???????!!!!

Everyone needs to hit center Mark

Atlantis/Abu don’t laugh when audience laughs at you

Peyton be on bottom steps stage left

Marshall/Abel-staffs are in front of face

Narrators/Atlantis-see me for placement of the gold

Hannah Cowan-focus during Prince Ali-You were looking around and not paying attention to the scene

Herum Girls-exit up audience Alley after Prince Ali

Kynley-blocking self during Aladdin/Genie scene

Jack-Smile during your sword bit-Prince Ali

Macy missed entrance again-second rehearsal in a row page 73

Atlantis-Go Fly a carpet-spread carpet out

Cast-can’t cross with props behind or sides of audience

Londyn-moving too much in A whole New World

Mya and Haley-you need to say Prince Ali solos in new mic onstage

Kynley missing in scene after Whole New World

Aimey/Marshall-blocking each other on Goodbye Street rat

Stephen Carrie Jafar all the way off

Atlantis stay in front of cave spread out to hide Marshall/Amy getting off

Dylan/Emily-I don’t get the end-Don’t believe you’re in love-Stay focused holding hands and smile more

Peyton/Kynley no more proposal at end-you too are stealing focus-try not to be so wild during last song

Dylan-Bigger REACTIONS in show-Bring Abu into your scenes-You don’t acknowledge him

Peyton-scared face on slow motion run on One Jump

Autumn-Best chorus member facial expressions-EXCELLENT!!!

Kynley and Peyton don’t look at people in audience-Keep focus onstage

Ethan-have more fun with the Genie-You need to focus more on and OFF stage

Too much talking backstage.

We need more focus cast. Some of you visit backstage and are late or miss entrances. Pay attention to the show and be ready to come on stage.





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