Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Laura Notes

-Imanol - much better singing in lower octave! Thank you for taking that note.
- m. 78 "watch out for men with pitchforks" - I can only hear Mallory - Arianna and Ally sing out more
- Parker - much better! Good job with memory

Cast - keep your faces out towards the audience when you sing and dance.
Cast - don't over sing!! Listen and blend with others around you
Soloists - great job!! Keep up character when you are singing!
Emma G. - careful not to add and "h" in wall (it sometimes sound like wa-hall)
Cast- check harmony at m. 57
Cast - better at mm. 74-75 "Always kicked around...", but could use more on the middle notes
Cast - review harmony at the end

Duloc 1:
-SL in a line, SR in a square - ask Jennifer which is right
- good smiles Duloc performers!

Duloc 2:
- Group 1 - can't hear top note on m. 29
- Cast - review "up" chords

Raffle - Joey - much better on your timing - thank you for taking that note.

Duloc Reprise
- Joey - work on "Aah" at end
- Ellie - ask Jennifer about your pathway to ending pose

I Know It's Today:
- Keeps getting better! Get together and run this before the show to be sure of timing and blend.

Travel Song:
Much better on timing! Keep it up!

Everyone in the number needs more attitude!! This is a show stopping number, so have fun with singing it!

How a Dream:
Autumn - let the last long note release to allow for vibrato. I am happy to work with you on this.

Morning Person:
Mice - good job tapping on steady beat!
This is such a fun number!

I Think I Got You Beat:
- change physical for low/high burps and long/short toots.
- action/reaction is getting better in this number.
Parker -review mm. 61-67 harmony

Make a Move:
Group 2: louder "gottas"
- Mice - sing and move arms together on group 2 gotta

Morning Person Reprise:
- Reese- work with me on "Cock-a-doodle" timing

Freak Flag:
-Cast- this is getting better! Keep working on harmonies in this number, especially at m. 40 and mm. 49-52
-Kaden and Kyra- say lines more quickly
-Cast - "Let Your" starts with drums at beginning

Cast - review harmony

Getting better! Listen to each other and don't over sing.

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