Entertaining Audiences since 1992!!!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Music Notes


My notes for tonight's performance are below:

GREAT job tonight!! You all really stepped it up tonight and I can't wait to see opening night tomorrow! Please work on the notes below so we can have the best show possible!

- I could not hear the chorus on this number - project into the mics backstage!

- Imanol - I had a hard time hearing you - project more when singing solos

- please don't stomp with your whole foot because it is covering up lines/solos - use balls of feet instead

- project solos/lines in this number whether you have a mic or not - don't count on mic to project for you

- YAY!! Harmony on this number is great - keep it up!!!

Duloc #2:
- "The fashion's never clashing" - project more Group 1

- Everyone should be singing!

- Review "up" chords

I Know It's Today:
- Peyton- project on opening solo in case you mic is late turning on.

- YAY! The harmony we worked before the show sounded great!

- Listen to each other on the last chord - work this before the show, please

Travel Song:
- Adjust blocking on SR - you all ended up in a straight line

- Parker/Group 2 - don't rush tempo - listen for steady beat

Makayla - work the ending note with me tomorrow, please. It needs to be held out a little longer and needs a little more attitude

Parker - what should you do with the hankie after you are finished with it?
- don't toss daisy chain
- take helmet off stage when you leave

- thank you Emmerie for taking helmet off stage!

I Think I Got You Beat:
- Autumn - got ahead of the beat at the beginning

-change physical position for lower burps

Parker - bigger on1st burp

Make a Move:
- Ally - missed entrance

- could not hear chorus on this number - project into backstage mic

Parker - go to the doorway of cabin to eavesdrop on Fiona and Donkey - drop flowers - exit

Yay, Reese!! Great cock-a-doodle-doos!!

Freak Flag:
Timing on entrance "Let Your" Freak Flag!!! Yay!!!

- project solos!

- Noah - late entrance to wedding scene

BBBW Reprise:
Parker - please work with me on this before the show

Autumn - don't pull away from Parker during this song

After Farquaad demise - Trace - wait for music to finish before you say your line

Makayla/Trace - play romantic moment more

YAY harmony!!

Trace- good job on fast "I believe"!

Limbo line needs more energy - party!

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